Energy Cork is an industry-driven cluster pursuing coordinated actions to strengthen enterprise and employment within the energy sector in the Cork region. Supported by Cork City Council and Cork County Council through their respective Economic Development Funds, Energy Cork was conceived by Cork Chamber with a view to building on the unique opportunities for the region to secure competitive advantage in the energy sector.
Energy Cork is membership-led. It is through the enthusiasm and expertise of our members that we make things happen.
To be a recognised and influential focal point for the energy sector in the Cork Region.
To raise awareness of Cork’s position at the forefront of the energy sector in Ireland and to drive economic growth and job creation.
To build upon the extensive natural resources, physical infrastructure, human capital and tradition of innovation in the Cork Region.
14% of Ireland’s electricity production (from 20% of Ireland’s electricity generating capacity) is produced in Cork
“Cork County Council is the first local authority in Ireland to be accredited with ISO 50001 for its whole of organisation energy management system, which includes Fleet Management, Public Lighting and Buildings Units amongst other significant users. As a member of Energy Cork, this accreditation demonstrates Cork County Council’s commitment to the energy agenda as promoted by the Cluster and Cork County Council looks forward to continuing its relationship with Energy Cork in promoting the energy message throughout the Cork Region.”
Cork accounts for approximately 13% of Ireland’s energy use and supplies approximately 25% of Ireland’s national energy requirements.