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Cork’s Energy Master Plan

The first analysis of how Cork - City & County - uses energy. Cork's Energy Master Plan provides a blueprint for action, including opportunities for reducing Cork's energy demand and increasing renewable energy penetration

Energy Cork, through our Energy Champion CLG, have finalised Cork’s Energy Master Plan (EMP).

The EMP was prepared with the input of a range of stakeholders from across Cork, and beyond. The preparation of Cork’s EMPS was carried out by consultants Survey & Design Services Ltd and funded by SEAI’s Sustainable Energy Communities Network. The EMP was completed in June 2019 and is available HERE.

The EMP is the first ever analysis of Cork City & County energy use and it provides a thorough Baseline Energy Analysis and a Register of Opportunities – a range of ways that Cork’s energy situation could be made more sustainable and climate-friendly.

The EMP identifies ways in which Cork’s energy demand could be reduced by 35% by 2030 and how the contribution of renewable energy to meet that demand could increase to 53% over the same period.

The total final energy consumption in Cork was 13,767GWh in the baseline year (2016). The split per sector is shown in the chart below.

The EMP identifies opportunities for actions that will address Cork’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the following areas:

  • Residential energy efficient retrofits
  • Improving commercial and industrial energy efficiency
  • Public lighting
  • Agriculture and fisheries
  • Modal shift in transport and smart driving training
  • Deployment of low-emission vehicles
  • Increased deployment of heat pumps, photovoltaics, and liquid biofuels and biogas

Energy Cork and Energy Champion CLG will be intensively pursuing the implementation of Cork’s Energy Master Plan. In the first instance, we have designed a project – Growth Through Climate Action – that will focus on implementing the EMP along with additional Climate Enterprise opportunities. Funding has been sought from the Enterprise Ireland managed Regional Enterprise Development Fund to assist with the implementation of the Growth Through Climate Action project.